Thursday, April 9, 2009

Leaving the Library

I've given my notice at the library and tomorrow is my last day there. Surprisingly, the Senior Librarian was supportive of my decision. Most everyone at my branch has been understanding and supportive, but a few people have had weird reactions. While I think it would definitely help to be working in a library environment while going to library school, it just is not financially feasible for my future. I e-mailed two of the people that put on the workshop I attended, and they were understanding as well, which was nice to hear.

It was kind of a hard decision but ultimately, I know it's the right one in order to get through the next two years of life and school. I'll just have to go harass my local library for information and interviews which works out, because their Senior Librarian is a friend of mine. :)

Onward and upward.

The school semester wraps up April 30 - w00t!

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